Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What am I doing??

What am I doing is right. As a 25 year old woman who has been married for 3 years, I am feeling a little lost. I feel like I have lost my sense of self and direction. I want to dramatically change my life. The thought of going through life this same way everyday is slowly stopping any hopes that there is something better than this. I would like nothing more than to go to Culinary school if only the monthly bills would stop coming in and I could devote more time to my culinary pursuits. I can't deny that cooking makes me happy. The process of putting simple ingredients together and turning them into something so delicious you can't help but take seconds (or thirds) makes me absolutely joyful. To be honest the recipes that have failed (not that I have had many) are some of the most memorable times in the kitchen. So until something changes in my life I will put my culinary adventures and misadventures here for all to enjoy. Please share your own successes and failures here as well.